Ogólnopolski dystrybutor
napojów alkoholowych i bezalkoholowych


The Management Board

Adam Brodowski - President of the Management Board

Mr. Adam Brodowski has university education.
He graduated at Economical Academy - Faculty of Foreign Trade.

Professional career and previously held the position of: 

  • Santos Development Sp. z o.o. - Chief Executive Officer - 2005 - until now;
  • Polish Brewerys BROK - STRZELEC S.A.- Chief Executive Officer - 1995 - 2005;
  • HORTEX Foreign Trade Headquarters - Import Director - 1985-1994.

Mr. Adam Brodowski held the position of a member of Supervisory Boards:

  • Polish Brewerys BROK
  • Factory of Water Połczyn Zdrój S.A.


The Supervisory Board

Mieczysław Halk - Chairman of the Supervisory Board


Damian Majkowski - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Bożena Kubańska - Secretary of the Supervisory Board

Kamila Majkowska - Member of the Supervisory Board

Michał Soczyński - Member of the Supervisory Board