Ogólnopolski dystrybutor
napojów alkoholowych i bezalkoholowych

Current Report No. 17/2012

Adjustment of the Management Board’s Report to the Yearly Report for 2011.

Hereby, by means of a report, Advadis S.A. in bankruptcy with composition agreement (hereinafter “Issuer”) encloses adjusted content of the Management Board’s Report on the activity of Advadis S.A. in bankruptcy with composition agreement for 12 months, completed on 31st December 2011, enclosed to the Yearly Report for 2011, published by the Issuer on 20th March 2012.

Item 2.21 on pages 58 and 59 was adjusted in the said Management Board’s Report, and its contents – the previous one and the adjusted one – were enclosed by the Issuer to the Report hereto, because of their tabular form.

In the enclosed Board’s Yearly Report for 2011, an error occurred in item 2.21, in the form of a wrong description and a column of tables showing remuneration, rewards and benefits, respectively, due to managing and supervisory persons, from which it results that the data present remuneration, rewards and benefits paid in the first half of 2011.  The Issuer states that all values shown in the aforementioned tables refer to remuneration, rewards and benefits received in the whole 2011, not only in its first half, as results from the description contained in these tables. The remaining part of the Yearly Report for 2011, as well as its annexes remain unchanged. At the same time, the Issuer informs that the said amendments do not affect the financial results published by the Issuer in the Yearly Report for 2011.

