Ogólnopolski dystrybutor
napojów alkoholowych i bezalkoholowych

Current Report No. 21/2012

Change in the address of the seat of ADVADIS S.A. in bankruptcy with composition agreement

The Management Board of Advadis S.A. in bankruptcy with composition agreement, with its seat in Kraków (hereinafter: "Company”) informs that pursuant to a Resolution of the Company’s Management Board of 30th April 2012, as per 1st May 2012, the previous address of the Company‘s seat: ulica Jasnogórska 71, 31-358 Kraków, will be changed into a new one as follows: ulica Henryka Pachońskiego 5, 31-223 Kraków.

At the same time, the Company’s Management Board informs that the said change of the Company’s seat does not constitute the change of the Company’s Articles of Association (the Company’s seat is still in Kraków).